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An Adventurous Trek from Namche Bazaar to Dole

An Adventurous Trek from Namche Bazaar to Dole

Day 05: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 (Namche Bazaar to Dole | 6-hour trek)

Embark with us on a memorable day of trekking through the breathtaking Himalayan landscape, as we journey from Namche Bazaar to Dole on our quest to conquer Mount Everest. Discover the enchanting scenery, majestic peaks, and hidden gems that await along the trail, while sharing in the trials and triumphs of our unforgettable six-hour trek. Let the beauty and challenge of the Everest region captivate and inspire you as we recount our thrilling adventure.

First Glimpse of Mt. Everest

The breathtaking views that eluded us the previous day at the Everest View Hotel were finally ours to behold today. Mother Nature had graciously bestowed her blessings upon us, and as we embarked on our journey, we caught our first glimpse of the majestic mountain we were heading towards. Mount Everest, in all its splendor, emerged before us as we crossed a mountain ridge just beyond Namche. We continued our trek, marveling at its magnificence.

An Adventurous Trek from Namche Bazaar to Dole
First View of Mt. Everest as we leave Namche Bazaar
Steep climb to Moong La

Our ascent was gradual, with the trail resembling a wide highway. We trekked through dense foliage for the most part, and the captivating scenery kept us entranced. After about an hour, we passed a small settlement and soon reached a fork in the road. One path led to Tengboche and the classic trail to Mount Everest, while the other led to the Kumjung village, which some of our group had visited the day before. We opted for the path ahead of us, which led to a steep two-hour climb to the village of Moong La. Perched on the edge of a cliff that plunged into a deep valley, the village offered stunning views of Portse on the opposite slopes and the vibrant red Tengboche Monastery on a distant hill. The weather was pleasant, making it an ideal spot for a lunch break.

Trail to Portse Tanga

The trail then descended to Portse Tanga, a serene location with numerous riverside resorts. Though we longed to linger in this picturesque spot, we had to press on. The trail now began a steep ascent that, while initially irritating, was mitigated by the beautiful waterfalls and scenery we encountered along the way. One such waterfall had frozen over, with soft, crushed ice suspended on a 100-foot high vertical rock face. We eagerly clambered closer to examine it and capture some photographs.

An Adventurous Trek from Namche Bazaar to Dole
Frozen Waterfall on the way to Dole
final ascend to Dole

The climb proved exhausting, and after more than three hours of walking, our destination was still nowhere in sight. As darkness approached at 5:30 pm, my concern for reaching our destination in time grew. However, as we climbed a steep path and rounded a bend, our destination finally came into view. A wave of relief washed over me as I hurried to join the others, eager to remove my backpack and unwind with some green tea at the restaurant.

Coming up next – Adapting to the Unforeseen on the trek to Machhermo

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