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Bhimashankar temple

BHIMASHANKAR TEMPLE: Your Ultimate Travel Guide to a spiritual retreat

Hey there, fellow travellers! Are you ready to explore another gem from the treasure chest of India? Nestled in the Sahyadri Hills in Maharashtra, Bhimashankar Temple is waiting with open arms. Trust me; this place is more than just a spiritual retreat. It’s got adventure, nature, food, and so much more! So, buckle up, because we’re heading to Bhimashankar.

Immerse in the Spirit of Bhimashankar

The Bhimashankar Temple: An Architectural Marvel

Constructed in the 13th century, the Bhimashankar temple is a testament to the skills of the Vishwakarma sculptors. The shikhara (spires) were added by the Maratha empire statesman, Nana Phadnavis, in the 18th century, adding a touch of Maratha elegance. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the revered Maratha ruler, is also believed to have facilitated worship here through his generous endowments.

The Special Features of Bhimashankar Temple

This ancient temple houses a swayambhu linga, a linga that is believed to have originated on its own. Found right in the heart of the temple’s sanctum, this linga is a sight to behold. The intricate carvings of divine figures and humans on the pillars and doorframes are simply mesmerizing. Mythological scenes have been brought to life in these carvings.

There’s also a shrine for Lord Shaneeshwara, and a statue of Nandi, Lord Shiva’s mount, welcoming you at the entrance.

Unraveling the Legends of Bhimashankar

What’s the Story Behind Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga?

There are a couple of legends that bring the enigmatic Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga to life.

One story tells of a demon, Tripurasura, who performed penance in the Bhimashankar jungle to gain immortality from Lord Shiva. Although he promised to use his power to aid the locals, he soon began to harass humans and gods. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, as Ardhanari Nateshwara, brought him down, restoring peace.

Another legend recounts the tale of Bhima, the son of Kumbharkarna, and his quest for revenge against Lord Vishnu for killing his father. In his quest, he tortured Kamrupeshwar, a devout follower of Lord Shiva. When Bhima threatened to destroy the Shivalinga, Lord Shiva appeared and turned him to ashes. This spot is believed to be the location of the Shivalinga today.

Exploring Bhimashankar

Venture Into Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary

Embrace the wilderness and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature at Bhimashankar Wildlife Sanctuary.

A Paradise for Wildlife Enthusiasts and Trekkers

This wildlife sanctuary is a haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Home to numerous species, it offers you a unique opportunity to experience nature up close. One can spot various species of birds, butterflies, and animals amidst the thick woods.

Spot the Elusive ‘Shekru’

If luck favors you, you might just catch a glimpse of the Indian Giant Squirrel, locally known as ‘Shekru.’ This species is rare and listed as ‘near threatened’ by the IUCN, making it a sight to behold. Their vibrant two-toned fur and remarkable agility make them truly unique, making this a moment you won’t want to miss.

Trekking at Its Best

If you’re someone who loves challenges and adventure, Bhimashankar has just the right offering for you!

Experience the Bhimashankar to Lonavala Trek

The trek from Bhimashankar to Lonavala is a two-day adventure that guarantees an adrenaline rush like no other. The trail takes you through steep ascents, deep valleys, and dense forests, challenging you at every step while offering breathtaking views that are worth every drop of sweat.

So, get your trekking shoes ready and set off on an unforgettable journey where you’ll be surrounded by the serene beauty of nature and a sky filled with a galaxy of stars. This trek will not only test your endurance but also reward you with a sense of accomplishment and memories that’ll last a lifetime!

The Bhimashankar to Bhorgiri Trek

Don’t have 2 days at hand but still want to experience the Bhimashankar wilderness afoot? Head out for a 6 km trek from Bhimashankar to Bhorgiri walking through the wilderness and enjoying nature. Reach Bhorgiri to be transported to yet another slice of paradise packed with lush greenery, a gushing river, a fort, and loads of waterfalls if you are here in the monsoon.

Any Tips for the Trek?

Sure! Always carry a map, keep hydrating, and remember, we’re guests in the wilderness. So, let’s respect that, okay?

Offbeat Destinations

Bhimashankar is not only about its famous temple, it’s also a hub for offbeat destinations that are sure to take your breath away.

Gupt Bhimashankar: The Hidden Gem

Somewhere, hidden within the lush greenery of Bhimashankar, lies Gupt Bhimashankar, a serene spot that provides a peaceful break from the hustle and bustle of city life. Spend some time here to soak in the tranquility and recharge your spirit.

Gupt Bhimashankar
Gupt Bhimashankar

Nagphani Point: Unleash Your Inner Photographer

A trek to Nagphani Point is a must if you’re keen on capturing the panoramic views of the surrounding hills and valleys. This place is heaven for nature lovers and photographers alike. So make sure your camera is fully charged!

Nagphani - Bhimashankar
Nagphani point – Bhimashankar
Feasting in Bhimashankar

Food is a significant part of any travel experience. If you’re someone who enjoys trying out new cuisines, Bhimashankar has got some tasty treats in store for you.

Savor the Flavors of Maharashtra

Bhimashankar is a foodie’s paradise. The local Maharashtrian cuisine with its mouth-watering delicacies like Misal Pav, a spicy curry served with bread, and Vada Pav, the Indian version of a burger, is a treat to your taste buds.

Resting Your Head

Your journey needs a comfortable place to rest, recharge, and wake up feeling fresh and ready for another exciting day.

Find Your Perfect Stay

Bhimashankar offers a range of accommodations, from luxury hotels to budget stays, to suit every pocket. The newly constructed MTDC resort is the best. For a unique experience, consider a homestay to get a taste of local culture, or if you’re an adventurer at heart, why not try camping amidst nature?

Crafting Your Bhimashankar Itinerary

Creating the perfect itinerary is key to making your travel experience enriching.

Best Time to Visit

While you can visit Bhimashankar throughout the year, pick late monsoon (Aug-Sep) for your visit for the best views and photography.

Spirituality Meets Adventure

Strike the right balance between spirituality and adventure during your visit. Start with a visit to the awe-inspiring Bhimashankar temple, explore the rich biodiversity of the Bhimashankar Sanctuary, venture on an exciting trek through the lush landscapes, and don’t forget to indulge in the lip-smacking local cuisine!

Bhimakshankar Temple

Any Travel Tips?

Of course! Carry suitable clothing for the season, keep some cash handy, and let’s respect the local customs and the beautiful nature around us, shall we?

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