My Road Trips
The Great Indian Beach Bike Ride: An Unforgettable Journey from Kanniyakumari to Pune
Fine sands of white… clear saline waters of deep blue… varying abundance of coconut greens… the coastline of western India is blessed with all of this and more! Ever since I have been mesmerized by the journey during the classic coastal biking expedition from Mumbai to Goa
Amboli ghat: Two Wheels, Two Nomads, One Thrilling Adventure
Day 11: Jan 1, 2008 As much as we don't want this trip to end, we are heading back to Pune today. We cover around 450 km of riding through the picturesque Amboli Ghat. Panjim I was awake at 6 am and intended to leave early as it was going
Reis Margos fort: Two Wheels, Two Nomads, One Thrilling Adventure
Day 10: Dec 31, 2007 We had planned to chill out today and not get fatigued as we had a long way to go tomorrow. So we took it easy and slept tight almost until noon. We did not want to be lazing around for the whole day
Beyond the Shoreline
India's Breathtaking Sea Forts and Their Untold Stories Waiting to Be Discovered
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